The Chosen – Episode 2


December 4, 2020

Zoom – The Chosen – Episode 2

Friday, Dec. 4 at 7:00 

Here is some Scripture you can look up if you want. They are Bible passages that tie in with episode 2. In this episode we see everyone (almost everyone) getting ready for Shabbat (Sabbath) & having Shabbat dinner.

Proverbs 31:10-31 – A Woman of Valor (now you know who to look for someday & who to pray for today)

Genesis 1:31-2:1-3 – And God rested

Exodus 20:8-11 – Remember the Sabbath day

John 3:9-10 – How can these things be?

Things you can (but don’t need to) think about while watching:

Are you OK with a church leader who asks a lot of questions, not to find out if you know the answers, but more because he doesn’t seem to know the answers himself?

Which Shabbat dinner did Jesus choose to join?

Does that say anything to us?

What does Jesus like?

A quote from Episode 2

– Mary speaking to Nicodemus, explaining why she is changed:

“Would you at least know Him if you saw Him again?”

“He called me Mary.

He said, ‘I am His. I am redeemed.’

I don’t know why I’m sharing this with you. 

I don’t understand it myself.

But here’s what I can tell you:

I was one way…

And now I am completely different.

And the thing that happened in between….was Him!

So, yes. I will know Him for the rest of my life.”

(For me, this is one of the most memorable quotes of the whole season)

Everything I Could Want (Nicodemus’ Song) – Hillsong Y&F

we need a change
are we looking in the wrong place?
finding meaning in the wrong names?
if i’m being honest with myself

all the fame & all of the faces
all the fake congratulations
buying stuff to fill the spaces
is it ever enough when it never could be?
to gain all the world
but never be free

what’s the use comparing
worrying and stressing
keeping up with everyone
when tryna be somebody
Perfect Love reminds me
that i’ve got everything i could want
Jesus, You are all that i want!

Best Friends (Disciples’ Song) – Hillsong Y&F

Or you could try Y&F’s official music video – a plug for the joys of youth group:

i don’t want to be on my phone 

but i can’t be alone
welcome to the modern way
trying to be somebody i’m not 

but it’s not what i want
tell me there’s another way

i don’t want a stereotype
to decide who i am
it never knew me anyway
tell me why society’s plan 

should define who i am
surely there’s a Higher Way

all of my best friends
are sick of pretending
we want the Truth
so much is missing
so give us the Real Thing
i know it’s You!