Zoom – The Chosen – Episode 3
Zoom address:
Friday, Dec. 11 at 7:00
Here is some Scripture you can look up if you want. They are Bible passages that tie in with episode 3. This episode focuses on a group of kids who find Jesus at His camping spot outside Capernaum, His temporary living quarters. It’s a fun episode! One of my favs!
Matthew 18:1-5 – Who is the Greatest?
Matthew 19:13-15 – Let the Children Come to Me
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 – Love the Lord Your God
Matthew 6:9-13 – The Lord’s Prayer
Isaiah 61: 1-3 – The Lord Has Anointed Me to Bring Good News
Things you can (but don’t need to) think about while watching:
What do you think you’d have done if you came across Jesus & His camp site?
Would you have been curious & talkative like Abigail?
Maybe even ask Jesus some fairly awkward questions like Abigail did?
Or would you be respectful & ease in slowly like Joshua?
Were there some things that surprised you at least a little about how Jesus was presented in this episode with the kids?
Two repeat questions here:
What does Jesus like?
Who does He like to be with?
Some conversation between Jesus & the kids from episode 3:
“Can we be around today?”
“I have some work to do. You might have to help.”
“You seem nice. Are you dangerous?”
“Maybe to some. But, no, not to you.”
“I still don’t understand. What is Your reason for being here?”
“I’m telling you this, because even though you are children, and the elders in your life have lived longer, many times, adults need the faith of children. And if you hold on to this faith, really tightly, someday soon, you’ll understand all that I am saying to you…
I have loved spending this time with you. You are all so very special. And I hope that My next students ask the same questions you do, and that they listen to My answers. But I suspect they do not have the understanding that you do.”
Like A Child– Jars of Clay
they say that i can move the mountains
and send them falling to the sea
they say that i can walk on water
if i would follow & believe
with faith like a child
i’ve got joy like a fountain
be kind one to another
is Jesus Christ Your Son?
they say that love can heal the broken
they say that hope can make you see
they say that faith can find a Savior
if you would follow & believe
with faith like a child
Uncomplicated– Hillsong Y&F
there’s a simplicity
to the way You love me
an honesty
a purity
God, You make it easy
no special words or formulas
could ever win You over
for Your love is undeserved
even when i’m overthinking
somehow You still love me simply
Your love’s uncomplicated
You love me just the way i am
so i stand before You
i’m totally surrendered
with open hands & open heart
Jesus have Your way in me
i could sing over & over i love You
it never grows old
how could i tell You enough
that i love You, Lord