The Chosen – Episode 4


December 16, 2020

Zoom – The Chosen – Episode 4

Friday, Dec. 18 at 7:00

Back to Simon & Andrew & their disaster with the overdue taxes & Shabbat fishing! Andrew runs unexpectedly into Good News! Simon is still frantically trying to fix everything, on his own, at all costs.

These passages relate to the events in episode 4:

John 1:29-42 – We have found the Messiah!

Matthew 13:47-52 – The Kingdom of Heaven is like a large net

Luke 5:1-11 – From now on you will be catching people!

Mark 1:16-20 – Follow Me!

Matthew 4:18-22 – Immediately they followed Him!

Things you can (but don’t need to) think about while watching:

Episode 4 is made up of a string of intense conversations that Simon has with different characters in his life. 

Who are all the people Simon talks with concerning his disastrous situation?

Same situation. A bunch of different perspectives coming at Simon.

(sound familiar? Think covid)

Turns out what Simon really needed was Jesus & to see his situation through Jesus’ eyes.

Jesus didn’t make the Romans go away.

He didn’t make the taxes go away.

He didn’t even make annoying Matthew go away (turned him into brother Matthew instead – oh great)

What did Jesus do? 

He gave. Jesus gave Simon miraculously much on that day He told him, “Follow Me!”.

So, what would you say Jesus gave Simon in that moment?

(many, many right answers to this question!) 

Can you think of/find a psalm (or part of a psalm) which reminds you of Simon’s complaint to God while desperate in his boat not catching fish?

Do you have a psalm or other piece of scripture which you have gone to when you have been worried or frustrated?

Or just wondering, have you ever written your own psalm?

My guess is you probably have. But you may not have realized it.

Episode 4 Quotes:

Andrew: It doesn’t matter. The Romans don’t matter. If the Messiah has arrived, anything is possible now. Don’t you see?

Simon: I’m still pursuing every option.

Matthew: There are none.

Simon: Andrew says anything’s possible.

Matthew: Not mathematically.


Lift up your head, fisherman. Follow Me!

You have much bigger things ahead of you, Simon, son of Jonah. From now on, I will make you fishers of men. And you are to gather as many as possible, all kinds.

Flood (Simon’s Song) – Jars of Clay

“Flood” came out the same year Jason & I got married & became a bit of a hit for a while on mainstream radio. The lyrics remind me of the davidic psalms of lament (first part of Psalm 69). The song has an interesting sound.

rain, rain on my face

it hasn’t stopped raining for days

my world is a flood …

down pour on my soul

splashing in the ocean i’m losing control

dark sky all around

can’t feel my feet touching the ground

lift me up – when i’m falling

lift me up – i’m weak & i’m dying

lift me up – i need You to hold me

lift me up – & keep me from drowning again

casting down all waves of sin

& guilt that overthrow me

lift me up

Hero (Andrew’s Song) – Newsboys

I love the way Andrew just totally hero worships Jesus in The Chosen. Well, he definitely picked the right person!

i wanna follow like a shadow

i don’t want no one to see me, 

i just wanna chase You down

i wanna trail like an echo

i don’t need no one to hear me

i just wanna make You loud

i’m gonna lay me down to lift You up

You’re the only King in the Kingdom come

i’m about One Name, One Life, One Story

i’m alive to bring You glory

You took my blame & You paid the debt i owed

You’re my hero, Jesus

You’re the reason i’m free

i’m about Your Name, Your Life, Your Story

Lean on Me (Zeb & Sons’ Song)– DCTalk

in this family we gotta love like Christ

so precise in your life so take this advice

brother to brother we need to learn to love each other

so lean on me when you’re in trouble

i cast my cares on Christ cause He cares for me

lean on Me when you’re not strong

I’ll be your Friend

I’ll help you carry on…